Should Your Business Invest in Audio Surveillance in 2020?

Should Your Business Invest in Audio Surveillance in 2020?

Interested in taking the security of your business to the next level?

Audio surveillance could be the solution you're looking for.

Think about it - using video without audio is like watching a silent movie. Video alone will never give you a full understanding of events or incidents that take place in or around your business.

Incorporating audio technology can have a variety of purposes and uses - like monitoring high-traffic areas, gathering information to use as employee training material, or, if needed, collecting evidence of a crime.

Some other key benefits of audio and video surveillance include:

  • Alarm Verification
  • Deterrence and Prevention
  • Loss and Vandalism Prevention
  • Liability Protection

In this article, we'll dive a little deeper - and discuss the legality of incorporating audio surveillance into your business so you can decide if it's the right move for you.

You've worked hard to build a business that you can be proud of - and you want to make sure it's protected. Ready to speak to a professional? Call 800.552.1111 for a free estimate today.

Benefits of Audio Surveillance

Alarm Verification

With audio monitoring, companies can see and hear what's going on in their business. Coupled with video, audio monitoring provides a secondary verification when an alarm system is triggered by an emergency. This helps companies combat false alarms - saving time and resources - and provides security system operators confirmation that two sense points were triggered by an incident.

You can also use audio surveillance to detect unusual loud noises. Alarms can be set to activate if triggered by sounds above a specified, adjustable decibel level. For example, the sound of a loud scream or of breaking glass.

Deterrence and Prevention

When trouble is suspected, security personnel can use a network-based, two-way audio system, along with cameras, to interact with intruders or help the public in an emergency situation. This can help prevent crime that's about to happen - such as halting a robbery in its tracks - or avoiding chaos by instructing the public in an evacuation situation.

With audio assistance, guards can oversee multiple zones and restricted areas remotely, rather than physically sending a guard to check out the scene. As a result, you'll be able to better identify threats in progress and quickly respond with verbal warnings and directions.

Loss and Vandalism Prevention

If you're looking for support in your loss-prevention efforts, audio monitoring can provide valuable insight by helping identify employee fraud and other losses. For example, a microphone mounted above a checkout counter could possibly capture employees telling a friend they don't have to pay for an item.

Adding audio assistance can be the difference in knowing something is missing versus who did it and (in some cases) more importantly - why.

Keep in mind, audio surveillance can present legal issues. In most states, employees must be aware of and/or consent to audio recording. We'll touch more on the legal aspect below, but remember to check with a professional or attorney to determine whether or not your audio surveillance tactics are legal.

Liability Protection

One of the greatest benefits of audio is the protection it can provide against liability, potentially saving thousands of dollars.

In instances where an organization or business must meet certain legal requirements - such as verbalizing specific instructions or warnings to a customer, or getting verbal consent from a customer - audio can serve as additional verification. It can also help prevent instances of hearsay or gossip as it pertains to an incident or crime by substantiating what was said by an employee or member of the public.

Is audio recording legal?

Title 18 of Section 2510 of the United States Code defines privacy as communication "uttered by a person exhibiting an expectation that such communication is not subject to interception under circumstances justifying such expectation."

In other words, audio monitoring is prohibited when there is an expectation of privacy. By default, the statute also implies that recording is allowed (legal) when there is no expectation of privacy.

However, there are individual state laws regarding the monitoring of small groups of people. In order to record audio, consent must be given from the parties involved. Every state has different laws regarding how many parties need to give consent. In Georgia, only one of the parties needs to give approval or consent - while in Florida, all parties do. For expert legal advice, always consult an attorney.

Don't turn a deaf ear toward audio. Deploy your complete, all-around security solution with Ackerman today

In 2020, protect what matters most. From the first sign of trouble to the moment we contact the authorities, our agents are ready to act to preserve your company's property and data. Our suite of security products and services protect your business, no matter what emergency presents itself.

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