My House Was Broken Into' Now What Do I Do?

My House Was Broken Into' Now What Do I Do?

If you've recently fallen victim to a home invasion or robbery, you're probably feeling violated. It's a frightening experience that no one should ever have to experience.

That being said, you can take some important steps to address any damage, including how to prevent a home invasion from ever happening again.

Below we'll look into:

  • Filing a police report

As well as the key aspects of a trusted home security system, including:

  • Exterior security cameras
  • Window and door sensors
  • Motion lights
  • Smart door locks

With a quality security system in place, you can rest assured that criminals will think twice before attempting to step foot on your property.

Are you interested in a security system for your Atlanta home? Call Ackerman Security at 800.552.1111 or get a free instant quote online. Our security experts are standing by, ready to provide you with an on-site security inspection. We'll answer all of your questions, including which security and automation options would work best for your needs and budget.

File a Police Report

Following a break-in, the first thing you'll want to do is file a police report. That way, there's an official record of the date and time of the home invasion, including a comprehensive list of stolen items and/or property damage.

An official police report helps for two reasons:

  • Homeowners insurance payout. Prior to reimbursing you for the loss of any personal belongings or the cost to fix property damage, your home owner's insurance company is going to need an official police report. Depending on the type of policy you have, your insurance payout will vary.
  • Evidence for theft recovery. The police will do their best to track down whoever broke into your home. In the event they apprehend a suspect, having a police report on file (as evidence of the break-in) will help them build a case and possibly even recover your stolen property.

Note: Items such as high-end jewelry, art, and premium electronics tend not to be covered, as they often require a supplemental insurance policy. If you're not sure what your policy includes, call your provider for more detail.

Exterior Security Cameras

If you don't already have some installed, investing in security cameras or video surveillance systems will help you prevent further break-ins.

Why? Because thieves don't want to get caught on camera. They're interested in an easy score, so if you make it difficult for them to snoop around the exterior of your property, they're more likely to move on somewhere else.

And if they do attempt to break into your home, you'll have camera footage to provide to the police. Not only of their physical description(s) but also the direction from which they came and went. With more information on hand, the police will have a higher chance of catching the thieves.

Window and Door Sensors

An alarm system complete with window and door sensors will scare off criminals attempting to break into your home.

Even if they're bold enough to be captured by an exterior camera, the moment they attempt to break in through a window or door, a sensor-triggered alarm will tell them immediately: Get out or get caught!

On top of a loud alarm, window and door sensors notify the authorities. So even if you're not home or haven't checked your phone notifications, the police will make their way to your address.

Criminals know this about security systems, which means they'll be incentivized to leave the premises as fast as possible. Otherwise, they could be spotted by a neighbor, an onlooker, or worse, a responding police officer.

Motion Lights

Even if you don't end up installing a home security system, placing some motion lights around the perimeter of your home will significantly deter criminals.

While seemingly simple and harmless, a bright motion light says, "I'm on guard, so prepare to be spotted."

From a criminal's perspective, if someone has gone through the effort of installing motion lights, they're probably prepared with an alarm system too. Rather than risk being seen, they'll move onto an easier target.

Smart Door Locks

On top of a home security system, you might consider installing smart door locks.

We say this for a few reasons:

  • You can instantly change the locks. After a home invasion, you'll probably want to change all of your door locks. But with a traditional door lock system, you'll need the help of a locksmith first. Rather than waiting around (not to mention paying for a locksmith's services), a smart lock system lets you instantly change the lock codes to all exterior doors.
  • Remote lock feature. Gone are the days of wondering whether you locked the front door. Through a convenient app on your phone, you can check on the status of all your home's doors. If you accidentally forgot to shut the front, back, or side door, you can set it to lock instantaneously.
  • Review activity. Harnessing unique access codes, smart door locks allow you to monitor who comes and goes from your home. If your home was recently robbed but there weren't signs of forced entry, you can review the activity history to see who used which codes and when. Although disappointing, it's possible that the perpetrator is someone you know.

Want a Free Quote On a Home Security System?

Call Ackerman Security at 800.552.1111 or get a free instant quote online today. When you speak with our trusted security experts, we'll review your home's size, layout, needs, and budget, and then walk you through all of your home security options. We offer state-of-the-art products, 24/7 assistance, and a rock-solid "no-theft" guarantee.

Learn more about the video surveillance systems we offer.