Home Security Services
in DeKalb County, Georgia
Professional Security Installations for DeKalb County Since 1967
A custom security system installed by industry professionals is the greatest defense against home invasions, burglaries, fires and medical emergencies. And no company knows custom security like the professionals at Ackerman Security. Not only is Ackerman the longest-standing local security company in Atlanta, we also carry the largest selection of home automation and smart home security tools such as smart doorbells, remote locks, control panels, outdoor surveillance cameras and more.
Customer Story in DeKalb County, GA
Very patient in making sure everything was absolutely resolved correctly...
The Problem:
Ms. Murray, a resident of DeKalb County, had recently installed a new security system in her home, which was being monitored by Ackerman Security. One night, upon arriving home, Ms. Murray set off her security alarm, and couldn't turn it off. Within seconds, Ackerman Security was notified of the alarm and attempted to reach out to Ms. Murray, to no avail. Because Ackerman guarantees a response time of under 45 seconds, the decision was made to dispatch the police to assess the situation. Once the police were scheduled, more attempts were made to reach her.
The Solution:
Shortly after the police were dispatched, a confused Ms. Murray called in to Ackerman, where she reached certified Alarm Agent Valshanay W. After the two consulted with one another, they realized that one of Ms. Murray's primary phone numbers hadn't been updated, which prevented Ackerman from reaching her after the alarm was initially triggered. Valshanay updated all of Ms. Murray's information and assisted her with resetting her alarm. She also made sure Ms. Murray was aware on how to use the system properly moving forward in case the situation happened again.